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Exploring the Different Types of Criminal Defense Attorneys
If you are facing criminal charges, it is essential to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to represent you. At the Law Offices of Amber Bellante, we specialize in providing comprehensive criminal defense services through our team of experienced criminal defense attorneys. Here is a brief overview of the different types of criminal defense services we offer:
moreThe Pros And Cons Of Plea Bargaining For DUI Cases
As a highly-regarded DUI and criminal defense attorney in Sacramento and San Diego, we understand that facing DUI charges can be an overwhelming experience. One crucial decision is whether to accept a plea bargain or fight the case in court. Trust the Law Offices of Amber Bellante for compassionate, experienced, and dedicated representation to guide you through the complexities of DUI cases and help you achieve the best possible outcome.
moreTips For Choosing The Right Criminal Defense Attorney
Choosing the right criminal defense attorney is a critical decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. At the Law Offices of Amber Bellante, we understand the importance of making the right choice and are here to help. Consider the following essential tips to ensure you select the best representation for your situation, and trust us to guide you through the complexities of the criminal justice system.
moreInnocent Until Proven Guilty?
The United States is great in that our judicial system promotes the idea that an individual is innocent until proven guilty. However, through cracks in the courtroom, guilt isn’t always proven. We’re told to assign guilt only if that guilt is apparent “beyond a shadow of a doubt.” And that shouldn’t be a phrase that’s open to interpretation or compromise. It ought to be black and white. But for whatever reasons, and through whatever means, innocent citizens are still sent to prison, and certain unlucky individuals have even been sentenced to death.
The sad truth is this: innocent people have died due to faults in the American legal system. According to The New York Times, a whopping 115 prisoners on death row have been exonerated since 1989. And those are cases of admitted injustice. It makes one wonder how many people may have wrongfully died due to courtroom follies.
Why is the courtroom fallible? Well, there are numerous hypotheses which may all be right in the end, but the biggest reason is people. A court is run by people, and verdicts are decided by people. That’s the beauty of American court; and it is its Achilles’ heel. A jury of our peers may be flawed, and history has proven that point.
moreForming Trust With a Criminal Defender
Lawyers’ duties extend beyond the courtroom. Defense attorneys, for example, aid clients from the day they’re hired. They void warrants, ensure proper protection from abusive police questioning, and they can attempt to have a criminal case thrown out altogether. Protection from a defense lawyer begins immediately. That’s a formula that works – because a lawyer must earn a client’s trust in order to compose a winning case.
This is essential, because a lawyer and client must work as a team. Judges tend to lend more leniency to collaborative lawyer, and juries are more persuaded by lawyers and clients who work closely. Moreover, clients can place trust in their lawyer, since lawyers are held up to a standard of conduct rendered by the American Bar Association (ABA). According to the ABA’s standards, lawyers must not:
moreThe Penalties Associated With DUIs in California
The severity of penalization for DUIs varies on a case by case basis, but there are general guidelines that help one estimate the penalties of a DUI conviction. Obviously, a DUI lawyer is most likely to help you get a reduction on a sentencing, and it’s your best chance at having a case dropped or thrown out. Let’s look at the penalties you will likely incur if you are convicted of a DUI. A conviction means a judge and/or jury has determined that an individual is guilty of the crime in question…
moreWhy You Should Rethink Representing Yourself in Court
It is an option to represent yourself in court. But it’s largely not recommended. Let’s look into a few reasons why criminally accused defendants are recommended to receive representation…